-Low pressure saturated steam generator with flame reversal, packaged steel structure with pressurised combustion and high energy efficiency.
-Ready for operation in combination with a jet burner on liquid or gas fuel.
-Furnace with flame reversal and combustion chamber with cooled end plate sized to ensure low heating loads.
-Standard design pressure 0.98 bars.
-Steam production from 150 to 1,250 kg/h.
-The door is hinged to the tube plate; it’s insulated on the inside with a suitable layer of refractory concrete and covers the entire heated surface of the tube plate.
-Amply sized evaporating chamber with large heat exchange area for the production of high quality saturated steam.
-Heat loss to the surrounding environment is limited by a layer of high-density mineral wool on the boiler body, without thermal bridges.
-The water circuit can be inspected through a manhole at the top of the boiler and a hand opening ring at the bottom.